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View Austin’s slide presentation for a quick scan of this 3-part series.
In Part 3, we discuss:
The three primary pitfalls of Design Thinking as a tool for innovation.
Why Apple and Steve Jobs have never been design thinkers (despite Design Thinking enthusiasts pointing to them as Design Thinking gods).
The iPenis.
Problems with brainstorming.
The many biases that have led to Design Thinking becoming a $6 billion industry.
Why Design Thinking is a dangerous tool for brand identity design.
Austin’s signature (oversimplified) 5 hexagons that can help you become the next Facebook or Coca-Cola.
The famous brand that has always followed Austin’s 5 hexagons.
In Part 1 & Part 2, we discussed:
The red flags that led Austin to doubt Design Thinking 3 years ago.
What Design Thinking is.
The origins of design thinking (you don't want to miss this fascinating story).
Why innovation is the first key to understanding why Design Thinking is bullsh*t.
Where the theory of “disruptive innovation” came from and how it was built on cherry-picked case studies (that didn’t pan out in the end) and circular arguments.
The reality of innovation.
The myth of IDEO's success.
The biases that led to Innovation's popularity.
The surprising source of most true innovations throughout history (Spoiler Alert: It wasn't 5-day Design Sprints).
The inaccurate and misunderstood lore of IDEO’s Apple Mouse.
Austin’s boring (but effective) alternative to innovation.
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